Welcome to Luciano Iess's Homepage

On the left: the BepiColombo spacecraft, the MORE - Mercury Orbiter Radioscience Experiment - logo and team. BepiColombo is an ESA mission devoted to the scientific exploration of Mercury. Launch: 20 October 2018.

Theses, Stages and Work Opportunities

This section advertises opportunities for work opportunities, stages, internships and theses.

NEW (8 March 2020) - Stage opportunities in US Space Science Labs:


The fellowships are sponsored by ASI in collaboration with the Cultural Association of Italians at Fermilab (CAIF). A unique opportunity to spend two months in the best US labs for space science research! 

  STAGE OPPORTUNITIES (updated on 27 September 2019)

A leader company in the space sector offers internship opportunities for master degree students and young graduate engineers. Knowledge in space system engineering, SAR system fundamentals and, in general, in complex system management and algorithm development are preferred assets.Deadline for application: 15 November 2019

Email me for information (luciano.iess@uniroma1.it)

Posted 27 Sep. 2019


A leader company in consulting and engineering services for aerospace and defense sector offers permanent positions for young graduate engineers. Desired skills span across systems engineering, mission analysis, space navigation, avionics, algorithm design, and software development (desktop and embedded).

Email me for information (luciano.iess@uniroma1.it)

Posted 19 March 2019

Pandora and the F-Ring